Monday, 22 August 2022

Search News Media Blog: Media Man 'Digital Business Tips Of The Week': Have helpful content that Google and your audience will like and see value in. Be Google Friendly...

Media Man 'Digital Business Tips Of The Week': 

Have helpful content that Google and your audience will like and see value in. Be Google Friendly. Further develop your niche. And, have back-ups. Keep learning new skills for web and media business #tipoftheweek #digital #digitalbusiness #publishing #online #seo #content #articles #news #serp #serps #seo #metatags #business #media #mediaman #mediamanaustralia #mediamanint #mediamangroup

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Friday, 12 August 2022

Search News Media Blog: Top 100 Websites available for media, advertising and publicity campaigns via Media Man website network: Australia-wide and global opportunity

Top 100 Websites available for media, advertising and publicity campaigns via Media Man website network: Australia-wide and global opportunity

Search News Media Blog: Google Featured Snippet Callouts, False Premises, MUM & More (Search Engine Roundtable)

Google Featured Snippet Callouts, False Premises, MUM & More (Search Engine Roundtable)

Search Engine Roundtable YouTube

Google MUM Gives Featured Snippets Consensus, Google Breaks Bad, Ranking Tremors, Lens, Spam & More (video)

Greg Tingle

A most interesting and education podcast today. There's a number of complexities with Google's MUM. One is that in the history of the world many times the general consensus or mass population belief of various topics eventually got proven to be incorrect. Examples could be the colonisation / invasion/ discovery of Australia re Captain Cook, the Earth is flat, the existence of Aliens (which is more of an open and balanced conversation now opposed to say the 1900's), is God real, cures for Cancer and other diseases, how many planets there are in the solar system, and so it goes on.. Over the past week I thought my journalism and media scribes were getting censored again, but this wasn't the case. It was just a glitch in the Google Matrix Of Things, which is still a concern. Reminds me of Netflix movie current screening, 'Blackhat' staring Australian Chris Hemsworth, that I watched this week and it almost seemed more like a documentary! People, systems and webcode are not perfect and people and corporations can become corrupted or get bugs, so this means things can break. Hopefully Google is back to 100 percent now or at least close. Back up work and spread risk are a few of the reminder lessons in this. It would be interesting to get a quote on the matters by Elon Musk, Kim Dotcom and a few other leading business masterminds in and around the digital business space. Thanks again.

Thursday, 11 August 2022

Search News Media Blog: Search Engine Journal news: Aftermath Of August 8 Google Outage (Search Engine Journal), Google’s Algorithms Can Understand When Sources Agree On Same Fact and Google Experiences Rare, Widespread Outage

Search Engine Journal news: Aftermath Of August 8 Google Outage (Search Engine Journal), Google’s Algorithms Can Understand When Sources Agree On Same Fact and Google Experiences Rare, Widespread Outage

Aftermath Of August 8 Google Outage (Search Engine Journal)

Greg Tingle at Google Business

Google’s Algorithms Can Understand When Sources Agree On Same Fact

Greg Tingle

The idea has very solid merit in my view (opinion). The issues can come up when on a more increasing basis over the years the news, therefore the digital/online news has a more political and "left" or "right" slant to it. Look no further for an example than CNN not doing a balanced story on that laptop, or in the eco sector you have the eco scientists who state that climate change is real, and the other mob who state it is not real. So, what does one believe? Even when the world's experts in the same field can't agree. This sort of scenario can trickle into the fact check and news media sector, with or without the ripple effect of social media channels..So again, great idea and but knowledge, truth and facts is still based on opinion and one's perception of the world and one's ability to process the information. Then you have what is known as "legally tested", as in when evidence, facts and opinion is trialed in the legal system, and even then you can get a different result each time. It's also akin to The Matrix. Even Google got questioned etc by the European government, so as you can see it's quite the Pandora's Box and Rabbit Hole one you commence digging.

Google Experiences Rare, Widespread Outage

Greg Tingle

Thanks for the update. This explains alot to me today. I thought 'Big Brother" was trying to water down or censor my news articles again earlier today, but much of the world was effected. Mind you, remember the massive outages the likes of Netscape, MySpace and Yahoo! had over the years, and next thing the world learns they lost much or all of the data they have with them! Good wake-up and reminder call for all of us. Elon Musk has been warning the world about various platforms (not LinkedIn I'm glad to say), over the past few months, so does EM know something most of us don't yet? Follow the white rabbit! Enter The Matrix or Escape The Matrix - we all have choices, digital and other.

*Greg Tingle is the founder and director of the Media Man Group, including Media Man NewsMedia Man Int and Media Man Australia

Sunday, 7 August 2022

Search News Media: The Complete Guide to Local SEO and How it Can Help Your Business Grow

The Complete Guide to Local SEO and How it Can Help Your Business Grow

Local SEO is also called Local Search Engine Optimization, or SEO.

Introduction: What is Local SEO?

Local SEO is a type of search engine optimization that focuses on getting a website to rank higher in the search results for searches related to geographic areas.

Local SEO is also called Local Search Engine Optimization, or SEO. It is a type of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) that focuses on getting a website to rank higher in the search results for searches related to geographic areas.

Local SEO services typically target specific cities, towns, and neighborhoods where they live or work. Local SEO Expert helps businesses rank high in Google Maps and Google Business listings.

How to Perform a Mobile Ranking Check and Best Practices for Local SEO

Mobile devices have surpassed desktop in usage, and this trend will only continue.

Local SEO is a key part of any successful marketing strategy. It’s important to know how to perform a mobile ranking check and best practices for local SEO.

To start, you need to find out what the major search engines are looking for by visiting the following sites: Google’s Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide, Bing’s Local SEO Guide, and Yahoo’s Small Business Site Setup Guide.

A good place to start with your mobile ranking check is by downloading Google’s Mobile-Friendly Tool. This tool will tell you if your site is mobile-friendly or not. You can also use it to see how your site compares against other sites in terms of loading speed or if it has any errors.

3 Steps to Boosting Your Local Business with Search Marketing

Optimize your website

Optimize your content

Optimize your social media

Local businesses are at a disadvantage when it comes to online marketing because they don’t have the resources that larger companies do.

However, there are a few things you can do to boost your local business with search marketing: optimize your website, optimize your content, and optimize your social media.

Importance of Local SEO for businesses

Local SEO has been trending for the past few years and it is not going anywhere. It is a great way for businesses to stay relevant in their local communities.

Local SEO is a powerful tool that can help your business rank higher on search engines and attract more customers to your site. Local SEO helps you rank higher on search engines, increase your visibility and get more customers through the door.

Conclusion and Recap

As more and more consumers switch to search engines as their primary source for finding local businesses, it’s important for businesses to have a strong presence in the search rankings.

Local SEO is an important part of building a strong presence in the search rankings because it promotes a business to the first page of results on Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

Local SEO has been trending for the past few years and it is not going anywhere. It is a great way for businesses to stay relevant in their local communities.

Local SEO is a powerful tool that can help your business rank higher on search engines and attract more customers to your site. Local SEO helps you rank higher on search engines, increase your visibility and get more customers through the door.

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Search News Media Blog: SEO For Business And Brands

Search News Media Blog   SEO For Business And Brands Media Man SEO Tips And News Business SEO, Pop Culture, Sports And Trends Media Man SEO ...