Saturday, 24 September 2022

Search News Media Blog: The biggest mystery of Google’s algorithm: Everything ever said about clicks, CTR and bounce rate

The biggest mystery of Google’s algorithm: Everything ever said about clicks, CTR and bounce rate

Social Media

Greg Tingle

Search Engine Land has partly and significantly opened up the Pandora's Box of Google's algorithm, including the CTR (Click Through Rate) and all, backed up by some Google and government documentation, witness type statements and quotes, and even a series of quotes and tweets from Google taken from over a decade plus. Fool's Gold or authentic gold? Authentic I say, having witnessed much in the digital landscape in a career spanning over three decades.. What I learned at the likes of the Google business conference, as well as Telstra, Optus, ID Media, PSI Net and even our Media Man, makes me believe Search Engine Land news investigation unit and co may have discovered quite the Holy Grail of search engine algorithms and related secrets. Now we are going to further fine tune our strategy as we continue to move forward in the digital publishing universe. One click at a time towards Google Business and search treasure.

Sunday, 4 September 2022

Search News Media Blog: Google On Why Helpful Content Update Appears Quiet; Google's Danny Sullivan with an update

Google On Why Helpful Content Update Appears Quiet; Google's Danny Sullivan with an update

A Continuing Effort...

The impact of Google’s helpful content update may appear minimal because the intent is to refine the signal over time.

Update isn’t done. It’s also part of a continuing effort, as we’ve explained. We’ll keep refining how it works. Directionally, the guidance we’ve given is what SEOs and creators should be considering.

Danny Sullivan of Google explains:

“Update isn’t done. It’s also part of a continuing effort, as we’ve explained. We’ll keep refining how it works. Directionally, the guidance we’ve given is what SEOs and creators should be considering.”

Reports that the update is quiet got the attention of Google’s Search Liaison, Danny Sullivan, who addresses the situation in a series of tweets.

Danny Sullivan Twitter

Update isn’t done. It’s also part of a continuing effort, as we’ve explained. We’ll keep refining how it works. Directionally, the guidance we’ve given is what SEOs and creators should be considering.

I also get that when we announce an update, there are the memes and the gifs and the jokes and the OMG the sky is falling reactions that can even make me laugh. But updates don't necessarily mean a big giant shift. If you have good content, you're generally fine...

It wouldn’t remove content. It just might have dropped out of the index for a variety of unrelated reasons. You might inspect & request recrawl.

Media Man says: Just as Google recommended, have helpful content, and remain Google friendly. You and your readers are not going to notice the changes overnight. Keep producing quality and unique contact and follow the guidelines.



Danny Sullivan (Google)

Search Engine Journal

Search Engine Land

Social Media Examiner

Thursday, 1 September 2022

Search News Media: News, Pop Culture, Entertainment, Sports, Gaming, Creative, Social Media and more

News, Pop Culture, Entertainment, Sports, Gaming, Creative, Social Media and more

Hitwise Australia award finalist Media Man Australia website and network available for advertising, media and publicity campaigns

Buy and Sell advertising, text links, banners, product / brand placement, social media inclusion, editorial, buzz and more via Media Man Int and Media Man Australia

Website network available for media, advertising and publicity campaigns via Media Man website network: Australia-wide and global opportunity

Pop Culture websites that we love: Media Man Int and Media Man Australia list

SMH Media & Marketing continues to impress

LinkedIn Wins Media Man 'Platform Of The Month' award

Search engine war just about over; Google vs Bing vs Yahoo! vs Web Wombat vs Altavista - Who or what was that?

Search Engine Directory - Media Man Int and Media Man Australia

Search Engine Journal wins Media Man 'Website Of The Month' and 'Search Website Of The Month' award

Podcast Of The Month: Marketers That Matter® Releases Podcast, "MTM Visionaries"

Karrion Kross wins Media Man 'Wrestler Of The Month' (Men's Division)

Wrestling Promotion Friendly Wars

BJ Penn wins Media Man 'Martial Artist Of The Month' and 'Combat Sports Website Of The Month' awards

Combat sports online portfolio: Media Man Int and Media Man Australia

News, Politics, Art, Illustrations, Creative, Content and more showcased via Media Man Facebook and social media; Art and news do mix

Creative Arts: Media Man Instagram and Facebook Top Picks; Photography is Photo Art

Art goes online in the new world situation

Gambling Movies List via Media Man

The Great Aussie Promoters

Interviews with leading Australian and international business leaders and entrepreneurs via Media Man Int and Media Man Australia

Give him a tingle

Search News Media Blog: SEO For Business And Brands

Search News Media Blog   SEO For Business And Brands Media Man SEO Tips And News Business SEO, Pop Culture, Sports And Trends Media Man SEO ...